It shall be the mission of this organization to
provide a new paradigm of representation for the American Family.
It will endeavor to provide leadership in the form detailed public policies,
spokesmanship in the form of public relations services,
and accountability in the form of issues and district oversight.


In order to best represent the American family one must begin to represent the American worker. Our occupations hold the key to the the relationships between our businesses, our government, and our families. Many professions and work situations have a direct bearing on the policies that must come from an accountable and accurate representation of the American Family. These workers will finally have a say in the their future and the future of this country.

This is a complete list of all of the occupations that will be collected, catagorized, and represented on Ahearn for Families:


In the Republic form of representation a single person stands for the wants, needs, and aspirations of a given district. How accurately he/she reflects the true wishes of these people goes to the heart of the fracture between our nation and our government. Just as one person can represent a group of people, so too can one person represent a given issue that has national scope.

Every individual from every walk of life is a candidate for becomming a national representative who stands for and about any given issue or any group of people who lack a cohesive form of representation in Congress. These people, highlighted on this site, promoted by definitive and progressive policies, and elevated to a place of recognition and respect, will begin speaking for us as no other man or woman in Congress has spoken before.

The following is a beginning list of people who will symbolize greater national issues in their day to day lives:


Our district representatives and state Senators govern in the midst of a free market capital enterprise system in which economic and territorial power models overshadow the democratic model of the family. Principles of group represenation have been lost and the real issues of our families (health care, education, retirement, housing, etc.) are shuffled back and forth between dysfunctional state programs/policies and businesses operating solely from profit perspectives.

Ahearn for families will endeavor to provide mechanisms of accountability by identifying districts where the resident constituents stand for a particular issue. For example, a district that has a higher rate of family poverity has a representative that is directly responsible for this issue and his committee assignment must take a back seat to his moral obligation as a representative of these families.

Those representatives on the most powerful and influential committees will be identified and their districts will be brought to light in terms of any industrial or business collusion that is not caring for the overall health of the families in that disctrict.

When our occupations are represented, and our issues have been given true spokesmanship, the actions of our representatives will finally become aligned with the spiritual intent of those who elected them.